Ettinger Stra?e
85057 Ingolstadt GERMANY
Opening hours
Contact details

09:00 / 18:00
Tel: +49 841 893 7575
Web: http://www.audi.de...
Email: kundenbetreuung@audi.de
The mobile museum is a museum of Audi AG in Ingolstadt, which deals with the history of the company and its predecessor companies.
In the 23 meter high circular glass and steel building that is part of the Audi Forum Ingolstadt, are an area of ??approximately 6000 square meters, 50 automobiles and 30 motorcycles and bicycles as well as many other exhibits on the brands Audi, DKW, Horch, Wanderer and NSU issued. The building was designed by Gunter Henn. A special feature of the 2000 finished glass rotunda is a paternoster with 14 prototypes from 100 years of automotive history.
Normal price: ? 2.00
Entrance prices including a guide tour
Adults: 4.00 ?
Pensioners, Students, Handicaped, Young people under 18 years: 2.00 ?
Children under 6 years accompanied by an adult: free
Registered groups (max. 20 persons): 60.00 ?
School groups (max. 20 persons): 30.00 ?
Adventure tours for groups (max. 20 persons): 120.00 ?
Entrance prices without a guide
Adults: 2.00 ?
Pensioners, Students, Handicaped, Young people under 18 years: 1.00 ?
Children under 6 years accompanied by an adult: free
Museum ticket (valid for 1 year): 10.00 ?
Groups of 10 to 20 people: 20.00 ?
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes