Opening hours
Contact details
Monday & Tuesday : 10:00am - 5:00pm
Wednesday to Saturday : 10:30am - 6:00pm
Closed: November 11 - R garage Day
Tel: 09668160100
Web: https://www.rgarage.ph/...
Email: rgaragelaunion@gmail.com
We are the FIRST ever pure Toyota car museum up in the North , FIRST in Philippines and FIRST in Southeast Asia outside Japan.
This museum has the largest collection of Toyota vehicles in the Philippines.
The founder and co-founder aspire to see R Garage as a model for the tourism sector in terms of integrating social responsibility as one of the major reason for its existence. R Garage primarily aims to initiate strong partnerships with various educational institutions that will help promote love for learning, love for country, and love for God.
This museum was established to celebrate the rich history of the Toyota automobile business and is dedicated to ensuring that both people and motor vehicles to have a bright future. R garage is ready to share lessons that hopes to inspire ideas about the future of mobility , progress of our society and help to create a new vehicle culture entirety.
Normal price: Adult (ages 18-59) = 350
Senior (ages 60 and above) = Php 260
Adults (ages 18-59) = 350
Highschool and Senior High Students (ages 13-17) = Php 230
Pre-Elem and Elementary (ages 5-12) = Php 200
0-4 y/o: FREE
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes