Calle 18 no.639 esquina 17
7620 Balcare, provincia de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA
Opening hours
Contact details

Open everyday:
10pm-19pm from the 02/01 to 29/02
10pm-18pm from the 01/03 to 15/04
10pm-17pm from the 16/04 to 31/12
Closed: Closed on the 25/12 and the 01/01
Tel: + 54 22 6643 0758
Web: http://www.museofangio.co...
In 1979, residents of the city of Balcarce, interpreting the wishes of Juan Manuel Fangio in a museum to collect trophies, cars and these accumulated in his sporting life, promote the formation of a working committee to achieve this suction. On 26 October this year, establishing the "Commission for the Automobile Museum Juan Manuel Fangio" under the Municipal orbit.
Convinced of the importance of the evidence presented and the enormous potential it meant to enlist the help of Juan Manuel Fangio at once to organize the exhibition, inviting entrepreneurs and friends, to work to raise funds as well as possible and do the job they chose for the future site of the Museum, an old building from 1906, which had operated the municipality and the municipal council of the party, remained closed and in a state deplorable, but which occupies a large number of significant proportions, located on the southeast corner in the village square, and a community history that justified the effort to recover the architectural heritage of the city.
Normal price: 35 pesos ARG
20 pesos from 6 to 18 years old
8 pesos for students from 6 to 18 years old
20 for OAPs
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