Avenue Joan Marti, 64
AD200 Encamp ANDORRA
Opening hours
Contact details

Monday to Saturday : 10am - 1pm / 3pm - 8pm
Sunday : 10am - 2pm/ 3pm - 6pm
Closed: Closed from the 1st of January
14th of March
8th of September
25th, 26th y 31st (morning) of December
Tel: +376 832 266
Web: http://www.andorramania.c...
Email: museuautomobil@andorra.ad
The National Automobile Museum shows the evolution of vehicles throughout their existence: from Pinette?s steam engine (1885), the museum?s oldest exhibit, to the second half of the 20th century. The collection is considered to be one of the most important in southern Europe and comprises 80 vehicles, sixty motorbikes and around a hundred bicycles. The collection is complemented with a set of objects related to the automotion world: miniatures, posters, advertising, accessories, etc.
Normal price: ?3.00
Reducida : 1,5? students, retired, groups more than 10 people
- 10 years old : free
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes