3 rue Cl?ment Krebs
86100 Ch?tellerault FRANCE
Opening hours
Contact details

Wednesday-Sunday: 14:00-18:00
From July 1st to September 16th: Wednesday-Sunday: 10:00-12:00 / 14:00-18:00
For groups (20 pers.min.): Only by appointment
Closed: From January 1st to January 31st
May 1st
December 25th
Tel: +33 05 49 21 03 46
The museum's collections Auto Moto Bike illustrate the history of the automobile. Rare cars alongside the most popular cars such as Ford T. One of the highlights of these collections is the presentation of a beautiful series of scooters and motorcycles of French origin, supplemented by auxiliary motor bikes and mopeds, specialty that has been converted French industry the motorcycle from 1950. In addition to these vehicles, the museum presents a very interesting set of engines, accessories (lamps, trunks for travel, etc..), And posters.
Normal price: ?5
- Concessions: ?2.50 (for groups of 9 persons, job seekers and holders of RSA, families with 3 children, disabled, members of a club auto moto bike or a cycling club , persons accompanying an ambassador Ch?tellerault heritage, members of EC adherent Cezam)
- Free for children under 25, teachers, journalists, ICOM card holders, donors and owners of objects on loan or deposit, group leaders, club leaders automotive bicycle, members of both associations of Friends of Museums Ch?tellerault , ambassadors Heritage Ch?tellerault, group visitors as part of exchanges with sister cities in Chatellerault, operations of a national Heritage Days, Museum Night ...)
- Season ticket: ?11 valid for one year from date to date, giving the right to free for all visits and invitations / reduced rate of ?3 for job seekers and holders of RSA.
Other useful information
Parking: yes