84 avenue Georges Cl?menceau
51100 Reims FRANCE
Opening hours
Contact details
![historic museum](uploads/medias/musees/images/sources/171-champagne1.jpg)
![historic museum](uploads/medias/musees/images/sources/171-champagne2.jpg)
![historic museum](uploads/medias/musees/images/sources/171-champagne3.jpg)
All the day except Tuesday
From April to November: 10:00-12:00 / 14:00-18:00
From November to April: 10:00-12:00 / 14:00-17:00
Open every banks holidays
Closed: 1st January
Tel: +33 03 26 82 83 84
Web: http://musee-automobile-r...
Email: musee-automobile-reims-champagne@wanadoo.fr
The reims champagne automobile museum is the fifth motor museum in France by the size of its collections is now managed by an association of collectors, owners of a number of 200 vehicles exhibited in a regularly renewed.
Cars and bikes from 1908 to today, some models have been made ??a few copies are on display, including a survivor of the car SCAR Witry-les-Reims, and many brands: Sizaire Berwick in 1910, Dr. Alba Coupe of 1919 Citro?n 11 AL 24 or Panhard.
You can also see rare motorcycles - Alcyon, Condor, DKW, Terrot ... - and nearly 110 pedal cars. Finally, the museum displays a collection of enamel plates and more than 5,000 miniature toy cars.
Normal price: ?8.00
Adults: ?8.00
Group of 20 persons: ?6.00
Teenager: ?6.00
Children (6 to 10 years old): ?4.00
School children: ?4.00
Family Package (2 adults + 2 children) : ?20.00
Privilege Card: ?12.00
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes