Ch?teau de la Vigne
15700 Ally FRANCE
Opening hours
Contact details

15 juin-15 septembre:
Monday-Saturday: 11:00-12:00 / 14:00-19:00
Sptembre-Juin: Open for groups by appointment
Tel: 04 71 69 00 20
Web: http://www.chateaudelavig...
Email: la.vigne@wanadoo.fr
In ancient parapets and 200 m2, a special exhibition, rare in Europe, of 3500 model cars, scale models and antique toys, presented in 70 themed displays. Open to visitors for enthusiasts, young and old collectors.
Normal price: ?5.00
Adults: ?5.00
Children (Under 12 years old): ?2.50
Groups (20 persons): ? 2.50
Guided tour of the Castle + auto shows:
Adults: ?8.00
Children: ?4.00
Other useful information
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes