1 Chrysler Drive
48326 Auburn Hills, Michigan USA
Opening hours
Contact details

Tuesday-Saturday: 10:00-17:00
Sunday: 12:00-17:00
Closed: Every Monday
January 1,
Easter Sunday
July 4
Dec. 24, 25 and 31
Tel: +1 888 456 1924
Web: http://www.chryslerherita...
Email: wpcmuseum1@dcx.com.com
The nonprofit Walter P. Chrysler Museum stands in honor of one man?s journey to become an auto industry giant. The spectacular collection, which spans more than a century, showcases the achievements of the company he founded and the importance of these vehicles in creating today?s society.
Normal price: $8
Children (6 to 12 years old): $4
Seniors (62 years old and older): $7
Groups (15 pers.min.): $4 - tour guides provided with advanced registration
School groups (Elementary-high school): $5
Admission is free for children five and under.
Other useful information
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes