3572 Avenida Divisi?n del Norte CP 04620, San Pablo Tepetlalpan
CP 04620 Mexico city MEXICO
Opening hours
Contact details

10:00 / 18:00
Tel: +52 5617 5663 0411
Web: http://www.museodelautomo...
Email: museodelautomovil@museodelautomovil.com.mx
Over 100 years of car design are traced at Mexico City's Automobile Museum. The permanent collection holds more than 95 cars and is refreshed every three months. Prized makes like Rolls Royce, Chevrolet and Bugatti have made an appearance.
Normal price: 30 pesos
Adult:30 pesos
Children (under 18 years old) and Senior: 15 pesos
Other useful information
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes