12 Gheringhap Street
3220 Geelong Victoria AUSTRALIA
Opening hours
Contact details

10:00 / 17:00 Wednesday to Monday (closed on Tuesdays except on Public Holidays)
Closed: Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day and Good Friday
Tel: +61 3 5227 8700
Web: http://www.forddiscovery....
Email: fdcinfo@deakin.edu.au
The Ford Discovery Centre continues to display an impressive selection of vehicles, from the Model T to the latest models off the production line. But it is far broader than just a vehicle display. The Centre provides visitors with an opportunity to see how vehicles are designed and made, how they are engineered and tested on the road, on test tracks, race tracks and in a range of simulated environments.
Normal price: $9.00
Adults: $9.00
Children (4-17 years): $4.00
Concessions: $6.00
Family (2A + 4C): $25.00
Groups (15 or more): $5.00
School Groups (per student ): $5.50
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes