Via Barbieri 12
42018 San Martino in Rio (Reggio Emilia) ITALY
Opening hours
Contact details

Tuesday and Thursday: 9:00-12:30
Sunday: 10:00-12:30 / 15:30-18:30
Closed: August
One week between Christmas and New Year
Tel: +39 05 2263 6133
Web: http://www.museodellauto....
Email: info@museodellauto.it
Although the town is small, it boasts a fourteenth century castle, an agricolture museum and the Car Museum.
The Car Museum was founded in 1956, when cars that now are considered ancient had not been invented yet.
Here were exhibited more than 400 vehicles among the most prestigious old cars in the world, such as the famous Auto Avio Costruzioni 815, the first car built by Enzo Ferrari.
If you wish to become a real visitor and not just a virtual one, you don?t need to pay a ticket: take us some typical food products of your country.
Normal price: ?5
Students: ?3
Groups (25 pers. min.): ?3
Children (until 18 years old): Free
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes