via Emilia Est 756
41100 Modena ITALY
Opening hours
Contact details

Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm / 3pm-6pm
Saturday and sunday only groups, reservations required.
Closed: Christmas and New Year
Tel: +39 - 059.361105 / Fax: +39 - 059.374845
Web: http://www.stanguellini.i...
Email: info@stanguellini.it
Stanguellini is certainly the oldest Modenese name to be active in the car field since 1900, but before that in 1879 Celso Stanguellini founded a company for the production of orchestral kettledrums with mechanical tuning, which he himself patented.
Normal price: Free
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes