645 rue du Mus
69270 Rochetaill?e-sur-Sa FRANCE
Opening hours
Contact details

Tuestay-Sunday: 9:00-18:00
July and August: 10:00-19:00
Open on Mondays holiday
Closed: January 1, December 25 and the last week of January
Tel: +33 4 78 22 18 80
Web: http://www.musee-malartre...
Email: musee-malartre@mairie-lyon.fr
In the beautiful setting of the property you will discover:
- A hundred cars from 1892 to today, including some prestigious that belonged to famous people: Hitler's Mercedes, the Renault Espace of John Paul II, ...
- Sixty motorcycles and sidecars from 1900 to 1960,
- Fifty cycles of 1818 (the dandy horse) to 1960 (the bicycle Anquetil) - Vehicles transit Lyon,
- Accessories: mascots, lanterns, heaters, ...
- One hundred posters advertising period (one of the richest collections that can be found)
- Engines: The museum displays rare engines like the one built by Mieusset in Lyon in 1903 or 16-cylinder V-twin M.Mougeotte (1916) ...
- Thumbnails (Norev, ...).
The museum is a founding member of the French Federation of Vehicles Epoque (FFVE), which includes collectors' clubs and professionals of old vehicles. Diversity and rarity of its models (cars, motorcycles and cycles), earned him in 2003 to obtain the label of France Museum of the Ministry of Culture and Communication.
Normal price: ?6.00
Adult: ?6.00
Under 26 years old: Free
Free for people with disabilities and their carer
Concessions (students, families and groups): ?4.00
Guided tours:
Adult group (10 to 25 people): ?75.00
Group children, school, university: ?45.00
Annual pass: ?20.00
Other useful information
Disabled facilities: yes
Parking: yes
Guided tour: yes