Via Torino, 2
36060 Romano d?Ezzelino (VI) ITALY
Opening hours
Contact details

Tuesday-Sunday: 10:00-12:00 / 14:00-18:00
Closed: Easter day
December 24th to January 2nd
Tel: +39 04 2451 3746
Web: http://www.museobonfanti....
Email: info@museobonfanti.vento.it
The ?Luigi Bonfanti? Automobile Museum is under the control of a Foundation and is honored to count among the patrons all the involved Public Entities and as Founding Members all the major local enterprises.
This structure, that moved its first steps in 1991, is now a well consolidated reality, with cultural, social, tourist and economical value for the entire region. It is the only Museum in Europe to employ an exhibition formula unique and most original, an endless series of monothematic exhibits with highest cultural content and a most effective museum didacticts. In the Museum lessons to the students of Padua University School of Mechanical Engineering are being given, as well as others to specialize car restorers (mechanics and coachwork specialists).
Normal price: ?6
Children (under 12 years old): ?3
Groups (over 10pers): ?3
Pensioners: ?3
Other useful information
Guided tour: yes